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We are pleased to welcome you to the site of JSC "SPC" Supermetall "and I hope that here you will find interesting and useful information.

Modern Supermetall - a unique combination of continuous scientific process and the effective dynamic production.

And our mission is to partner Supermetall in domestic and international precious metals market took pleasure from our products, and more than 250 species and 20 kinds of technical medical products, and the joy of communicating with us.

To do this, we are constantly concerned about product quality and quality of our services, do not forget that the main criterion for our relations with our partners is the economic feasibility of, and basis for relationship - honesty and openness, unconditional responsibility for the commitments and the desire to share comprehensive information on any matters our interaction.

We are aware of the fact that the challenges of today will certainly require us to continued growth of our knowledge, the ability to respond quickly to new circumstances and to demonstrate its scientific and technical viability, and always have the opportunity to supply all your needs.

For this Supermetall constantly scientific research and technological experiments, prepares new employees, updating technological equipment, creating new designs and materials that are actively involved in the informatization of the world market of precious metals.

For this Supermetall actively collaborates with Umicore AG & Co. KG (Germany) in the production of advanced catalyst systems, representing the Russian market the product mix of the highest competence of our partners in the production of catalyst gauzes and our competence in the field of processing of platinum metals.

For this we come to work in Supermetall and try to do their job as efficiently as possible and better.

With this Supermetall has reliable partners and are constantly expanding their number.

I would be glad if this visit to our site will be the beginning of our true friendship.


V. Vasekin, 
General Director